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Deaf Talent® Casting (DTC) assists domestic and international BIPOC deaf actors find great roles.  We also work with casting directors and industry professionals in their casting search. Our mission is to amplify, spotlight, and elevate marginalized gems.

Deaf Talent® Casting, a division of Jade Films and Entertainment, LLC, is in a special position to help companies navigate through transformative change during this age of "representation matters." With hundreds of projects involved in parts of the entertainment ecosystem, we consult clients on accessibility and creative developments in the arenas of media, entertainment, and technology. Our roster holds  a deep wealth of knowledge of Deaf and Disabled experiences and viewpoints involving education, pop cultures, languages, such as American Sign Language and Black American Sign Language, (ASL & BASL), History, literature, design, space, art, fashion, music, and more. 


Deaf Talent® Casting also collaborates with producers, writers, directors, casting directors, and executives to ensure that our cultural representations with Deaf and Disabled characters, that their cultural representations, unique insights, storylines, and distinct points of view are multi-dimensional and authentic. When it comes to Hollywood storytelling, oftentimes, in film and television, we see on the screen that misrepresents and reinforces dangerous stereotypes of POC and Black Deaf characters. This is what we are here for and we look forward to partnering with changemakers within the media, entertainment, and technology industry.

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All Rights Reserved. © Copyright 2022 

Jade Films and Entertainment, LLC

New York, NY | 212.225.8339


#DeafTalent® Trademark

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